CMNM is at its heart about exploitation and power imbalances. The world is packed with men on the upper levels of success, full of insecurities, who need to humiliate and emasculate virile, younger men in order to feel powerful. The young, strong men know they have to take the punishment in order to progress in society, but it creates resentment and they fantasize of one day wearing the suit and tie and punishing another beta male who can’t risk his paycheque standing up for his male pride and dignity.
Dave and Adrian run a shitty little factory, only staying afloat through nefarious means and cheating the system. They’ve recently laid off a boatload of workers and they’re in the process of replacing them with cheaper peons, willing to take crumbs. By virtue of the fact that they wear silly neckties everyday, the immoral pair feel justified in treating working people like playthings, and they set their sights on Pedro as their next target for humiliation and abuse (or “fun” as they call it).
Pedro is 25, and has fathered five children with another on the way. He needs a job to take care of his young family, and Dave and Adrian know they can get away with murder while they dangle the hope of a job in front of him. They question his personal hygiene and demand he submit to a physical inspection before he gets a job mopping floors. Pedro removes his shirt and they’re on him like vultures, sniffing his hairy armpits, groping his muscular torso and pulling down his pants.
When Pedro starts to object, they ignore him and try to gaslight him. It’s a normal part of the process they tell him, as they pull his underwear down and start fingering his asshole. After all that humiliation, they still tell him his employment is contingent on passing a drug test and they order him to piss in a bucket! They fondle his cock and play with his balls, daring him to fight back. Pedro must swallow his anger and piss for their sick fascination. Click here to watch the full video of this abuse of power over a strong, robust young worker at CMNM.