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Austin Surrenders To Dave’s Throbbing Cock


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Dave is losing patience with slave boy Austin. He’s whipped the poor lad, flushed his guts with an icy enema, threatened him with an endless parade of horny strangers filling his ass, but he has been unable to make the lad take the cock willingly, like an obedient slave boy.

So finally Dave decides to get straight to brass tacks. Austin is going to suck his cock come hell or high water, and he’s going to beg for it. What makes a straight boy beg for cock? Pain! Searing, spots-in-front-of-your-eyes pain that will make you do anything for anyone.

Dave is on fire in this scene. Straight away, he pulls off his pants and flops his cock in Austin’s face, ordering him to take a whiff of his pissy dick. Austin, trapped though he might be, refuses. Dave shrugs, and sets about his wicked work. If Austin won’t respond to a polite but firm request, let’s see what happens after a painful flogging across his bare ass.

So Dave is stripped naked from the waist down for the remainder of this scene. just a black T-shirt and black socks and his thick, semi hard cock waving about as he gives Austin his whipping. I was so hard watching Dave punish Austin while exposing his cock. The smallest change can make the biggest difference!

When Austin still won’t comply with a compliant blowjob, Dave gets really frustrated and grabs the scary looking leather strap. Just a few hard lashes with that terrifying leather and Austin breaks. Triumphantly Dave feeds his cock into Austin’s mouth and orders him to suck softly and get the dick hard in his mouth.

Dave’s cock quickly swells in response to Austin’s earnest sucking, and Dave reveals the big reward; by getting him hard and sloppy wet, Austin is going to feel that big cock tearing up his hole. Dave plunges that swollen dick deep inside Austin, fucking him hard while ignoring the slave boy’s cries. It’s intense and rough, and Dave pulls back on Austin’s ears to get better leverage. He finished with a crude cum dump in the lad’s mouth, and then he demands that Austin suck him clean. Dave gets what he wants, and we get what we want! Click here to watch Dave punish sexy Austin until he gets what he wants at BreederFuckers.com.

See More Videos Of Straight Boys Giving Their First Blowjobs at BreederFuckers.com

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