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So waaay back in 2008, Adrian and Stan spotted Mo (Maurice) acting like the cock of the walk, preening around like God’s Gift, and not being the sort that suffer fools, they made it their mission to reduce him to a blubbering puddle. After overhearing him lament his poor cash flow, the devious pair offer him a tryout as a stuntman which he eagerly accepts. He voluntarily enters their favourite bondage chamber and gives Adrian and Stan a demonstration of his gymnastic maneuvers. They feign awe and ask him if he can escape rope binding, as it’s a requirement for the job. He brags “No Problem” and Adrian gets him trussed like a rabbit, and Mo has voluntarily walked into the trap. Adrian cuts off his shirt and it dawns him what kind of predicament he’s in. While Stan gropes his cock, Adrian starts flogging Mo’s ass, forcing him to do a little dance. Adrian has an aching hard-on and he orders Mo to start groping his erect prick while Adrian massages and twists his nipples. Mo screams for help, but it’s useless, no one ever gets between Adrian and his fresh meat. Click here to relive Mo’s entire brutal bondage initiation at the StraightHell archive.