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If you haven’t already voted in the “Favourite Slave” poll on the right, please take a moment to do so. I don’t mind sharing that I voted for Lee, because I love the anger, hate and fear in his face as he was rendered utterly helpless and violated in the most fitting way possible. Lee is portrayed here as a blossoming fascist thug, full of hatred and bile for gays and immigrants. Naturally, the delicious irony of this criminal creep getting jumped and bound and forced into sexual servitube by REAL dominant thugs Adrian and Dave nearly brings a tear to the eye. Dave and Adrian appear almost like folk heroes in this video, although it has to be said they are probably the first fucksaw wielding gay advocates (but hopefully not the last). While Adrian brutally pounds Lee’s tight virgin asshole with the fucksaw, Dave fucks his face and forces Lee to deepthroat his thick cock before shooting a humiliating gob of spunk on his face. Lee looks like he might start bawling any second. Click here to see the full length face-fucking BDSM video.