[This post contains video, click to play]
So I can’t believe I haven’t posted in two weeks, but I promise I’m making it up to you with this post. I think that just about everyone who is a fan of Straight Hell knows that tough guy top Dave first appeared on the site waaay back in the day as a sub. Billed as a “straight soldier” he seemed like a sweet doofus and far from the savage sadist we’ve come to know and adore. But given what happened to him at the hands of Stan and a mob of horny drunks back in 2007, it’s no wonder why his heart turned black and he is now such a cruel bastard. Or perhaps you could read my last post and draw your own conclusions. Anyway, this video and photo set was actually taken at Dave’s second go-round as a humiliated slave, and Stan wanted to have some audience participation to help reduce Dave to a groveling toad. So Stan drags him to a nightclub toilet and ties Dave down on the floor and then runs a hose from the urinal drain to his mouth and invites every dude with a full bladder to drain it into Dave’s waiting belly. Apparently, straight Englishmen don’t need to be asked twice to piss in a stranger’s mouth and soon Dave has a bellyful of the stinking urine. Click here to see Dave’s complete video archive of his incredibly humiliating slave days.