Being a powerful man in business has its perks. Adrian is well connected, and when one of his affluent friends has a fuck-up son, they can always ship him off to Adrian’s factory for a basic job and lessons in humility.
James fits this description to a tee. He finished school a few semesters ago, bombed his professional placement exams and has been leeching off his father’s largesse. Finally he’s sent to interview for a position with Mr. Swallows, and James puts his very casual attitude on display. He says he would feel at home in management. Swallows thinks he’d be more at home on the production line getting his hands dirty.
Sensing James wavering on the prospect of manual labour, Adrian has him stand up and strip to see how well the protective coveralls will fit. Once James is down to his underwear, his massive bulge is in full view. Adrian tells him not to worry. The factory is all male and everyone is used to seeing loose cocks. In fact, Adrian used to see James’ father’s cock on the regular as well.
It seems that during their school days, James’ father and Adrian were quite the close pair, and Adrian waxes fondly of getting his cock sucked by James’ dear old dad. James can’t hide his erection from Adrian and Swallows sees it’s going to be like father, like son. Adrian pulls out his own turgid cock and orders James to his knees, instructing him to get that knob in his mouth like a lolly and suck it. Before long, Adrian has the hesitant lad by the ears, thrusting his throbbing erection down his throat. So fucking hot! Click here to see Adrian taking advantage of his new hire’s gargantuan dick at CMNM.